After my first date with “E” I was left a little shell shocked, I hadn’t been expecting things to go so well. Not long out of my last long term relationship was I really looking to progress into another?
I found myself texting E telling her that whilst I really enjoyed our first date, I was really busy with work and wasn’t sure when I would next be free.
She replies asking if that was just a brush off……?
What am I doing……? I really like her and yet I feel that I’m trying to push her away.
I bite the bullet, apologise, backtrack a little and just explain that work is really intense right now so didn’t want her to get the impression I wasn’t interested if I didn’t reply to texts straight away. She was after-all the queen of texting due to this apparent disliking to speaking on the phone.
As she was new to London we discussed some possible options for date two that didn’t involve copious amounts of alcohol and included a bit of London culture for our new American friend. After a few text exchanges and a bit of Googling we settled on the Museum of Science and Industry. I remembered it being pretty interesting as a kid and thought it might have something that would interest us both enough for a few hours.
Date day came and we both met at the museum. It was heaving with kids (maybe this wasn’t such a great idea..) I find her exploring the gift shop. She looked just as stunning as I remembered her from a few days prior. There was something about her that really made my stomach flutter. Was it her long red hair? Her huge smile? Or maybe the typically brilliant white beaming American teeth?
I took her hand and we began exploring the Museum floor. It wasn’t quite what I remembered as a child, the exhibits were a bit wishy washy and didn’t really seem to have any flow. We worked our way through the various floors creating our own fun of actually laughing at how random some of the pieces were. Several times we pause for an embrace and kiss, quite a few of the upper floors were very quiet which gave us privacy from the screaming kids.
Slightly deflated by the museum but in a sense content due to each others company we wonder what to do next. A drink somewhere near by seemed to be the logical answer as the weather wasn’t great that day. Wandering outside the museum, with my local London knowledge not being that great we stumble across a pub packed with tourists. Hmm this isn’t ideal I think to myself, I start to furiously search on my phone for near by venues with little luck. Having a glass of wine while we wait for my phone to actually respond we discuss some possible ideas. E mentions a swanky cocktail bar “Bart’s” that’s probably near by but would almost certainly require booking. We settle on another pub within ten minutes walk and head out again after our drinks.
There seemed to be a common theme with our great British weather that week, once again it starts to rain, luckily this time E has an umbrella and we dive into the next pub. What’s going on? This rather swanky Kensington pub is totally packed wall to wall, the Rugby was on. Full of quiffy haired public school chaps called Rupert the pub was heaving. We hustle our way to the bar, get our second drink and find a spot where we can at least stand where I explain the basics of Rugby to a completely clueless E. Well… it is after-all one of our nations favorite sports…..
All of a sudden a very dapper moustached elderly gentlemen appears at our side. E was very quick off the mark to complement him on his very smart Navy jacket. I think this threw him a little and he didn’t know what to say to this grinning American lady’s complement. He replies with “I like your jacket too” and walks away.
At this point we’d had a couple of glasses of wine and I have to admit to her that I shouldn’t drink any more as Id left my car at the station. The night had just started to get going so I tongue in cheek say….
Me “Well I could crash on your sofa?”.
E “Well you could if I had one, my furniture hasn’t arrived from the US yet”.
Me “Ahhh ok….”
Awquard pause…..
E “Well you can stay over, but im not sleeping with you…”
Even more awkward pause….
Me ” Ohh cough… of course not…. but that would be great”
Again scuppered by the crowds we jump into a cab and head for her local area, Notting Hill. We decide it would be a good idea to get some food before carrying on our night. She recommends a Turkish Kebab type place, although it wasn’t your normal kebab type joint more like a small Turkish themed restaurant that offered all kinds of Turkish affair.
Grabbing some much needed stodge we head again to our third pub of the day, The Elgin. This was one of those huge old community pubs, it was a great atmosphere in there, bustling but not too busy, again grab another wine and look for a seat. We find a single guy, probably in his 30s sat on his own and we ask if we can sit next to him. He immediately stands up, apologises and moves to the bar, hmm that was very generous I thought. We sit down but feel slightly bad that he gave up his seat for us. E goes over and asks if he would like to sit back down. He replies ” No no its fine, its been a bit of a weird day…” He stood there with his jacket over his arm, pint in hand and a carry on suitcase at his side. I lean over to whisper in Es ear, “I think hes just been dumped”, “He’s got his bag, probably been to visit his now ex and has come in to drown his sorrows..”. He finishes his pint and leaves.
So back onto the date. We end up sinking quite a few glasses of wine, we are both pretty sozzled by now and we sit in each others arms kissing passionately. A middle aged rather overweight women stares at me disapprovingly, it doesn’t put me off, I was enjoying myself with E so much, nothing else really mattered.
It was getting towards closing time so we both agree it was time to head back to hers, she lived about 5 mins walk away. We arrive at this rather tatty black door that opened up straight onto a stair case. “I’m on the first floor” she utters. Hmm this is interesting…..
At her second door she flings it open revealing quite a swanky split level flat. I wander into the kitchen, sparkling new but rather empty, up a flight of stairs and into the what would be lounge but again empty. “This is nice” I say, “Yeah it was a lucky find” she replies, “But I’ve only got one bed right now until my furniture arrives…” We pour yet another glass of wine and by this time still cant get enough of kissing each other, it all seemed so perfect.
Eventually we collapse into bed, stripping each others clothes off and well….. One thing lead to another 😉
To be continued…..
Haha James am loving your stories! Keep them coming, how amusing!
Thanks Che, lots more to come 🙂
Well it was the only polite thing to do – no sofa and all!