How To Hack Your Tinder Location To Increase Your Chances Of Love

Whether you’re a newbie or regular Tinder user, you will have worked out by now that you can set your search radius to find potential matches close to you. I’m going to tell you how you can easily tweak your Tinder location in your favor.

How Tinder grabs your location is described briefly in their privacy policy here. This got me thinking: the app retrieves your phone location to set your search criteria.

Have you often wondered…..?

Why is Tinder Matching Me with Someone Far Away?

Do You Want to Set Tinder to a Specific Location?

You may have found that some locations are more fruitful for you than others, ie your work location may be better than your home. Do you work in the city but live in the burbs where hits are few and far between? Here is how you can solve that problem. You can hack Tinder to make it believe you are in any location in the world; a chosen holiday destination you are about to visit, or if you want to see what the dating pool is like in an area before you move. The uses are only limited with your imagination.

Update Aug 2017 :- Since Tinder’s new releases this hack needs a little more work.  But fear not you can still do it. Shhh  Obviously they noticed the opportunity and made it a premium option by insisting you use both WI-FI and GPS to confirm your location and will not function without both.  So what you now have to do is spoof your internet connetion too.  You will need a VPN application (Virtual Private Network).  Many techies out there will already have this or if you live in an are where your streaming is limited you will already have this.  The one I use is IP VANISH its not free, but isnt expensive and is secure.  Place your server location in the same city as your fake GPS, done!

Read my full article here at Singles Warehouse to find out how to set your location :-  How to hack your Tinder location

Please do leave a comment below and tell me how you get on or if you have any other tips to share.


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